Our classes have been suspended since March due to the coronavirus pandemic. While many things have started to go back to normal it my be some time before our classes can resume. In the meantime we encourage you to join in with our all levels pay-as-you-feel online classes.

You can also visit our blog for more ideas on how to start or practice dancing at home and where to find more information about the history and social context of the dances we teach

Shoe Brush

Charleston is a fantastic, fun, exciting dance full of self expression. It can be done anywhere from the jazz club to the night club to just while you’re walking down the street! The steps are quick to pick up and allow for you to really put your own stamp on it.

Hot Charleston Workshops

These are open to absolute beginners and experienced dancers alike, starting from the basic step a few showy moves and a good workout. The workshop has two sections; the first section gives you a short fun routine and the second section focuses on developing the steps you’ve learnt in the first section, introducing a freestyle aspect (but in a structured way). This will give you the confidence to Charleston anywhere.

Twice a Month (usually the second + fourth Saturday 3:30 – 5:30pm) at the Dance Studio Leeds £9 Drop in, no booking required. Comfortable clothes, flat shoes recommended. No partner required

The Charleston Shout! – Mailing List

If you love Charleston and want to be up-to-date with whats happening next, including class dates/ performance opportunities etc sign up for our monthly newsletter here

You can also join the Hot Charleston Chat facebook group here to chat with other charleston fans

Weekly class in Morley – Hot Charleston Weekly!

We now have a Hot Charleston Weekly class every Tuesday night, 8-9pm at Activ Zone in Morley.  These classes replace the Lindy Drop classes and will feature solo Charleston and vernacular jazz.  Open to all, including absolute beginners.

Charleston Elsewhere

Swing Dance Leeds also runs solo Charleston workshops outside of Leeds, check the ‘Upcoming events’ section on the News page for more info. You can hire Swing Dance Leeds to run a solo Charleston workshop for a party/ event, it’s easy to pick up gets people on the dance floor and lead:follow ratios are not important. Email swingdanceleeds@gmail.com to book.