Going Deeper

If you read our blog it’s probably because you have been bitten the lindy bug (or the Charleston critter or the Balboa beetle). Maybe you love the music, the community, the way dance feels in your body, maybe you don’t even remember anymore because its become such an integral part of your life. If this... Continue Reading →

Meet the Pioneers of Lindy Hop

Lindy Hop has been around a long time and has a rich and interesting history. Here are a few pioneers of the dance that you should know about: George “Shorty” Snowden The world’s first Lindy Hopper--often credited with inventing the dance after he and his partner, Mattie Purnell, did a breakaway step in the dance... Continue Reading →

How to Deal With Rejection

When you’re first learning to dance it's easy to laugh at yourself and just hope that one day you’ll feel less awkward. As you start to push yourself to dance with strangers, learn harder material, perform or compete you’re likely to have moments that really knock your confidence, maybe even make you feel like giving... Continue Reading →

How to Get Your Mojo Back

I don’t know a single dancer that hasn’t at some point lost their mojo. This can happen for a whole variety of reasons. Someone makes a thoughtless comment that knocks your confidence, you suddenly feel like your dancing is getting worse instead of better, every dance starts to feel the same. It all just becomes... Continue Reading →

8 Ways to Celebrate World Lindy Hop Day

Did you know that our favourite dance style has it’s very own holiday? That’s right, 26th May is Frankie Manning’s birthday which we now celebrate as World Lindy Hop Day! You may be wondering, how does one celebrate this brilliant holiday? Does the Lindy Fairy come round to leave gifts in our dance shoes? Do... Continue Reading →

Am I an Advanced Dancer Yet?

In our results driven culture there is a bit of an obsession with being called “Advanced”. In a dance community that has no established syllabus or system of level testing, labels like this can be a bit tricky. We’ll have a look at the purpose of levels, some of the inherent problems with the language we use, and some ideas on how to set yourself up to be the best dancer you can be.

How to Survive Your First Dance Class

We run a few different classes that are open to complete beginners so we see a lot of folks coming through the door who have never taken a dance class before. If you're considering having a go at dancing for the very first time here are some handy survival tips.

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